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Bringing back the Beaver to Norfolk!

We’re happy to announce our exciting new “Bringing Back the Beaver Project” on the River Glaven. For thousands of years humans and beavers co-existed in North Norfolk and signs of our shared heritage can still be seen, including beavers on village signs and the discovery of giant beaver fossils along the coast.

Beavers were hunted to extinction in Norfolk as recently as 400 years ago and with their disappearance we lost an important part of our natural heritage, alongside a species pivotal in maintaining the health of our freshwater ecosystems.

Our exciting project will reintroduce beavers into a fully secure 6 hectare enclosure within the upper reaches of the river Glaven in North Norfolk. Beavers are highly beneficial to rivers ecosystems and health. They create a number of new exciting wetlands habitats for insects, fish and birds, whilst also improving water quality and flow.

Norfolk Rivers Trust have already completed the majority of the project, including securing the land, completing a feasibility study, raising funding for fencing the enclosure and submitting the licence application to Natural England.

We're now looking to raise the final amount required to secure a pair of UK health checked beavers, and also to expand our research and maintenance programme. Please see our go fund me page here.

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