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Rivers Ecology Limited was founded in 2015, with the aim of providing high-quality ecological services. Our profits are donated to support Norfolk Rivers Trust for the important work it completes restoring freshwater habitats around Norfolk. Our team consist of a highly experienced team of ecologists and designers.


Liam Hall
Team Leader
Liam leads the Rivers Ecology team and works on integrated constructed wetland design. He has previously worked on on a range of river restoration and natural flood management projects and has an MSc in hydrology.

Ella Thorpe
Senior Project Officer
Ella has an MSc in climate change and has an interest in the design of natural flood management projects. She has a background in regulation and flood risk management, having previously worked on various river restoration and SuDS (sustainable drainage systems) schemes. She is currently pursuing a Masters degree in Environmental Engineering.

Dr. Jonathan Lewis-Phillips
Jonathan is an ecologist with a PhD in freshwater habitats, birds and insects. Jonathan has experience in delivering a variety of river restoration, pond restoration, wetland creation and rewilding projects.

Jack Riggall
Jack is an ecologist with a degree in ecology and wildlife conservation and wide range of field ecology experience, especially with protected species and botany. He also has experience in teaching professional courses on otters and their relatives.

Libby Pool
Libby is an ecologist with expertise in habitat assessments, protected species surveys and Biodiversity Net Gain. With a background in ecological consultancy, she has previously worked on large-scale biodiversity auditing projects of local parks and nature reserves.

Erin Holroyd
Project Officer
Erin has an MSc in environmental sciences, and an expertise in hydrology and water quality. She has prior experience as a hydrologist for the Canal & River Trust and is currently working on monitoring water quality across the Wensum catchment.

William Unwin
Assistant Ecologist
Will works on a variety of our projects, conducting river condition assessments, habitat baseline surveys, water quality testing, and topographical surveys. He has a particular interest in fieldwork and habitat conservation, with an MSc in wildlife conservation.

Lily Mackie
Assistant Project Officer
Lily has an MSc in freshwater management with an expertise in geomorphology. She has previously worked within the Rivers Trust delivering a number of projects, including chalk stream restoration, pond creation, natural flood management and wetland design.

Mare-Anne Edwards
Head of Finance
Marie-Anne oversees our finances and administration.

Dr. Jonah Tosney
Technical Director
Jonah is a freshwater ecologist, with a background in conservation and research. He has previously worked with Wester Ross Fisheries Trust, University of Highlands and Islands, Yorkshire Water and the Yorkshire Dales National Park. Jonah leads and oversees many of our projects, from design through to implementation.

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